You have got an excellent webpage. But it would be unfortunate if nobody could use it effectively. A fantastic website will look attractive, but a decent one will look amazing and give its users a wonderful experience. Any website owner who wants to see satisfied visitors and strong conversions must prioritize good user experience design , or UX design for short. With it, users will find it easier to navigate your website.
So How Can You Design a User-Friendly Website?
The details make for a good user experience; getting them properly is easier than you might believe. These are top tips for ensuring that your website meets your consumers’ particular demands with the least amount of hassle.
1. Prioritize the User
You’d be surprised at how many websites still prioritize style above content, even though this may seem like an obvious point to make in an article about user experience design. When creating your website, the user must come first in both the structural and visual aspects. Therefore, put yourself in the user’s position whenever you consider a new element, a visual, or a button.
2. Employ Language and Tone that is Accessible
Any website’s language must be accurate because it is the most human component. Knowing your audience inside and out is vital, and you should also keep in mind the final aim you want all website users to attain. Your use of language must be easy to comprehend and targeted to your audience if you want them to succeed in achieving their goal. Avoid using jargon or too complex language, and make sure your tone of voice is appropriate for your target audience’s demographics.
3. Keep Things Simplicity
Simplicity is a crucial component in assisting the users of your website in moving from point A to point B and is frequently referred to as one of the core principles of UX design. For example, high bounce rates might result from overly complex, congested websites with excessive buttons, graphics, and blocks that will confuse visitors (users arriving at your website but instantly leaving it). Who knew simplicity could be so complicated? On the other hand, oversimplifying a feature of your website might lead to the loss of the original idea and a worse user experience. Iterations and in-depth research are the keys to perfecting the art of simplicity.
4. Streamline Online Forms
On websites, forms are frequently used to gain user data and enable users to perform actions, such as payment information forms on e-commerce websites. But did you realize that forms are one of the most popular sources of user frustration and abandonment on the web? Prevent this by adhering to these simple guidelines for creating effective online forms:
- Organize your form questions logically; begin with the fundamentals and move down the list.
- Limit the number of information fields to one column. Several columns could be confusing.
- Use color, information pop-ups, and example field text as visual clues and tooltips to guide users in correctly filling out the information.
- Provide the user clear CTA buttons, like “Pay Now” or “Submit,” so they know what will happen.
- End with a message assuring the user that the form was completed, like “Thank you, application submitted.”
5. Be Logical in Your Navigation
Users frequently use navigation menus to navigate your site, which must be clear and simple. In addition, most websites comprise many primary categories that are further broken down into one or two levels of subcategories.
6. Mobile-Friendly Design
Ensure responsive design is incorporated into your design considerations before developing your website to give users a mobile-friendly experience and make material simple to access and view.
7. Make CTAs Appealing and Clear
Last but not least, to help consumers complete activities, your website should utilize clear calls to action (CTAs). A CTA button is an interactive feature that encourages users to perform a specific action, like submitting an online form, making a payment, or applying for a job. But simply having a button is insufficient to encourage clicks; it must also be clear, enticing, and noticeable.
A website’s success is greatly influenced by its usability. Therefore, your chances of success increase when your website is easy to use and gives visitors a smooth experience. This is one of the things that distinguishes a well-designed website from the competition. However, if you also want to make your website user-friendly, you can consult DigiGenius‘ highly expert developers.